This is me again, this time I'm will pronounce the count down of the Greatest Swordsman.
So Let gets started!!!!
10. Hachi The Octopus Fishman
The former member of the Fishman Pirates is in the 10.Th position. His style of swordsmanship is a unique type called "Rokutoryu" or Six-Sword Style. Hatchan( Hachi nickname) is the 2.Nd greatest swordsman in the entire Fishman Island. Each of his sword are weighing over 300 kg or 661.387 lbs. This are the list of attacks in Rokutoryu:
* Takoashi Kiken (蛸足奇剣, Takoashi Kiken, literally meaning "Octopus Foot Miracle Swords"): Hatchan swings his swords wildly at his opponent while charging at them.
* Takotsubo no Kamae (タコツボの構え, Takotsubo no Kamae, literally meaning "Octopus Pot Stance"): Hatchan points all his swords together out in front of him with their back edges all pointed to each other and arranged in a circular array over his chest to block an attack.
* Shin Shun - Tako Age - Taikai (新春 蛸開げ 体壊, Shin Shun - Tako Age - Taikai, literally meaning "New Spring - Open the Octopus - Break It Apart"): Done after Takotsubo no Kamae. After Hatchan blocks an attack, he breaks away the opponent's weapon and defenses by splaying his swords apart, leaving them open to a headbutt to the chest and flings them into the air.
* Rokutoryu Ogi: Rokuto no Waltz (六刀の円舞曲(ワルツ), Rokutōryū Ōgi: Rokutō no Warutsu?, literally meaning "Six-Sword Style Ultimate Technique: Six-Sword Waltz"): Follows Shin Shun - Tako Age - Taikai, Hatchan spins all six swords over his head like a fan blade, intend on shredding the descending opponent to pieces.
9. Captain T-Bone

Captain T-Bone are in position 9. He used a a long, straight-bladed sword with ornately decorated hilt and sheath. Because of his skill in swordsmanship there called him "Funekiri" or Ship Cutter . He can send an attacks composed of blue lines of compressed air or energy (it is unknown which) acting as blades, something only the strongest swordsmen like Zoro or Dracule Mihawk have been seen capable of. The attacks list of T-Bone:
8. Vice Admiral Onigumo

Vice Admiral Onigumo is one of the 5 Vice Admiral that led the Buster Call. He has possessed an unknown (i called the devil fruit is spider - spider fruit or Gumo-Gumo no mi) Devil Fruit that allow him to turn his hair into arm, with this he can carry 8 saber at one time. Also his skill in swordsmanship are very high, he even can detains Marco with his skill in the Marine Ford War.
7. Tashigi

The only woman that gets in my list its Ensign Tashigi. He is a subordinates of Captain Smoker and have a grudge to Zoro after she aided him finding a new swords although at that time she was unaware of who he is. He use a Katana called Shigure an seem to be pretty well of using it. The attacks that she use is:
6. Brook

Brook is in the 6.Th position of the greatest swordsman, this skeleton guy style of swordsmanship is "Fencing Style" . This style resembles to classical fencing, Its attacks consist of fast cutting techniques used by Brook's Kingdom's Assault Squad. This are the list of attacks of Brook:
5. "Flower Sword Vista"

The next one is the 5.Th commander of White Beard Pirates, he was an infamous swordsmen because even Mihawk says that he would be a fool if he doesn't new his name. He used a pair of same-like sabers with purple hilts that are visibly distinguishable from another by their different sheaths attached to his waist. The attacks list of Flower Sword:
4. Kaku
The 4.Th swordsman is Kaku from CP9. He used the swords technique "Yontoryu" or Four Swords Style, this technique combined his two Shirasaya Katana, his Rokushiki technique: Rankyaku and his Devil Fruit Ushi-Ushi: Model Giraffe. He is one of the strongest enemies that Zoro fight.
3. Silver Rayleigh

The Dark King is in the 3.Rd position. He used his sword to deflect the attacks of Kizaru he combined his swords with Haki to withstand the attacks. I don't know if he was a swordsman but i think he deserved this award.
2. Dracule Mihawk

Dracule Mihawk the Hawk Eye is in the second place, even he is the current title holder of the strongest Swordsman in the world, but i sure after the time skip he was defeated by Zoro, so i put him in the 2.Nd position. He possessed the strongest sword on the One Piece world "Kokuto Yoru" and a little dagger that his put in his neck called "Kogatana". He is the trainer of Zoro during the time skip. The list of Mihawk attacks:
1. Roronoa Zoro

The Greatest Swordsman in the Worlds is Roronoa Zoro the Pirates Hunter. The man that have 3 swords Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shusui. He used the "Santoryu" or three swords style. There are many techniques Zoro developes so i'm only gonna shows some of them, here its is:
* Takoashi Kiken (蛸足奇剣, Takoashi Kiken, literally meaning "Octopus Foot Miracle Swords"): Hatchan swings his swords wildly at his opponent while charging at them.
* Takotsubo no Kamae (タコツボの構え, Takotsubo no Kamae, literally meaning "Octopus Pot Stance"): Hatchan points all his swords together out in front of him with their back edges all pointed to each other and arranged in a circular array over his chest to block an attack.
* Shin Shun - Tako Age - Taikai (新春 蛸開げ 体壊, Shin Shun - Tako Age - Taikai, literally meaning "New Spring - Open the Octopus - Break It Apart"): Done after Takotsubo no Kamae. After Hatchan blocks an attack, he breaks away the opponent's weapon and defenses by splaying his swords apart, leaving them open to a headbutt to the chest and flings them into the air.
* Rokutoryu Ogi: Rokuto no Waltz (六刀の円舞曲(ワルツ), Rokutōryū Ōgi: Rokutō no Warutsu?, literally meaning "Six-Sword Style Ultimate Technique: Six-Sword Waltz"): Follows Shin Shun - Tako Age - Taikai, Hatchan spins all six swords over his head like a fan blade, intend on shredding the descending opponent to pieces.
9. Captain T-Bone
Captain T-Bone are in position 9. He used a a long, straight-bladed sword with ornately decorated hilt and sheath. Because of his skill in swordsmanship there called him "Funekiri" or Ship Cutter . He can send an attacks composed of blue lines of compressed air or energy (it is unknown which) acting as blades, something only the strongest swordsmen like Zoro or Dracule Mihawk have been seen capable of. The attacks list of T-Bone:
- Chokkaku Senkō Bōn Sowāru (直角閃光 ボーン空割(ソワール) Right Angle Flash: Bone Slash): T-Bone first makes a right angle cut in the air with his sword, and then swings it, sending a rectangular cut forward. This makes a clean, rectangular cut on whatever it hits.
- Chokkaku Hichō Bōn Ōdorī (直角飛鳥 ボーン大鳥(オオドリー) Right Angle Flying Bird: Large Bone Bird?): T-Bone slashes the air and propels a beam-shaped cut at the enemy. The cut is able to bounce off the air on sharp angular turns, and appears with a bird shaped head at the front of the cut.
8. Vice Admiral Onigumo
Vice Admiral Onigumo is one of the 5 Vice Admiral that led the Buster Call. He has possessed an unknown (i called the devil fruit is spider - spider fruit or Gumo-Gumo no mi) Devil Fruit that allow him to turn his hair into arm, with this he can carry 8 saber at one time. Also his skill in swordsmanship are very high, he even can detains Marco with his skill in the Marine Ford War.
7. Tashigi
The only woman that gets in my list its Ensign Tashigi. He is a subordinates of Captain Smoker and have a grudge to Zoro after she aided him finding a new swords although at that time she was unaware of who he is. He use a Katana called Shigure an seem to be pretty well of using it. The attacks that she use is:
- Kamaitachi (鎌鼬, Sickle Weasel): A technique used by Tashigi while wielding her Shigure. It is unknown what this attack does.
6. Brook
Brook is in the 6.Th position of the greatest swordsman, this skeleton guy style of swordsmanship is "Fencing Style" . This style resembles to classical fencing, Its attacks consist of fast cutting techniques used by Brook's Kingdom's Assault Squad. This are the list of attacks of Brook:
- Hanauta Sancho: Yahazu Giri (鼻唄三丁矢筈斬り Hanauta Sanchō: Yahazu Giri, literally meaning "Three-Verse Humming: Arrow-Notch Strike"): a technique in which the user slashes an opponent at such a fast pace that it appears that they didn't attack at all (in fact, to the casual observer it would look like the user simply walked past the victim). Only when a certain amount of time has passed, which is approximate to the time the user walks ten feet away, or three steps (verses, as the name suggests), does their opponent only realize the attack. It seems to employ elements of iai (instant sword-draw-and-resheath) since it is generally initiated (though not always) with the user moving towards the intended target(s) with a naked blade and walks past them before sheathing it back. It is usually at this point that the victims start manifesting and feeling the effects of this high-speed attack. The actual attack itself however, is never seen clearly due to the speed implemented. The technique is highly versatile, since with it, the user can slash multiple targets at once and if they so wish, the damage they inflict can be as fatal or as incapacitating as they like. The latter was performed by Ryuma using the back edge of his Shusui. Also, when Brook used it against Tararan, he, at the same time, applied salt to purify the zombie; and it was only until the shadow inside him was expelled did Tararan realize it.
- Aubade Coup Droit (夜明歌(オーバード)・クー・ドロア Ōbādo Kū Doroa, literally meaning "Dawn Serenade: Right-Handed Strike"): a thrusting technique with the sword that apparently creates a highly compressed blast of air with enough power to burst its way through a thick wall as if fired from a gun. Powerful as it is, it could just as easily be countered by a similar attack as demonstrated by Zoro with his Pound Ho. "Aubade" is a poem or song of or about lovers separating at dawn. "Coup Droit" means right handed strike in French.
- Prelude: Au Fer (前奏曲(プレリュード)・オフエル Pureryūdo Ofueru, literally meaning "Prelude: After"): a technique in which the user slashes an opponent's weapon almost instantaneously. Apparently intended to disarm the opponent by destroying whatever weapon they might be wielding at close range. "Prelude" comes from the prelude found in music. "Au Fer" comes from the fencing term "Attaque Au Fer" which is a basically attacking an opponent after hitting their sword with one's own.
- Gavotte Bond en Avant (革命舞曲(ガボット)・ボンナバン Gabotto Bonnaban, literally meaning "Gavotte: Leap Forward"): a sword thrusting technique in which the user propels himself forward in order to strike an opponent. As demonstrated by Brook, this, move can be done even at mid-air. "Gavotte" comes from Gavotte, a fast-paced French folk dance. "Bond en Avant" is French for "Leap Forward" and is a technique in fencing, usually used to propel oneself to their opponent to attack.
- Polka Remise (酒樽舞曲(ポルカ)・ルミーズ Poruka Rumīzu, literally meaning "Polka Continuation"): a technique in which the user delivers several thrusts against an opponent. Visually, due to the user's speed, it looks as if they are thrusting with several swords. When used by Ryuma in the anime, a barrage of purple-colored compressed air bullets are launched at the opponent. The technique is named after "Polka", a type of dance and genre of music originating from Bohemia. "Remise" is a fencing term referring to the continuation of an attack after initially missing or parried.
- Swallow Bond en Avant (飛燕(スワロー)ボンナバン Suwarō Bonnaban, literally meaning "Swallow Leap Forward"): an aerial version of Gavotte Bond en Avant. This is an attack where Brook first positions himself in mid-air several feet above his target and then performs a descending Bond En Avant spinnng downwards in an attempt to spear his target. Like Zoro's Shishi Sonson, this technique managed to tear its way through a Pacifista's outer covering, but not the armor beneath it, and left significantly-less damage then Zoro's Shishi Sonson. The word "Swallow" in this technique comes from the fact that this is a extremely-fast air-based attack.
5. "Flower Sword Vista"
The next one is the 5.Th commander of White Beard Pirates, he was an infamous swordsmen because even Mihawk says that he would be a fool if he doesn't new his name. He used a pair of same-like sabers with purple hilts that are visibly distinguishable from another by their different sheaths attached to his waist. The attacks list of Flower Sword:
- Rose Rondo (薔薇輪舞(ローズ・ロンド) Rōzu Rondo, literally meaning "Rose Round Dance"): Vista jumps backwards and swings his swords, launching several red rose petals that fly towards the opponent. The effect of the rose petals remains unknown as the attack was blocked. It was first seen used against Mihawk in a filler scene of the anime and was once again used to stop Akainu's magma.
4. Kaku
The 4.Th swordsman is Kaku from CP9. He used the swords technique "Yontoryu" or Four Swords Style, this technique combined his two Shirasaya Katana, his Rokushiki technique: Rankyaku and his Devil Fruit Ushi-Ushi: Model Giraffe. He is one of the strongest enemies that Zoro fight.
3. Silver Rayleigh
The Dark King is in the 3.Rd position. He used his sword to deflect the attacks of Kizaru he combined his swords with Haki to withstand the attacks. I don't know if he was a swordsman but i think he deserved this award.
2. Dracule Mihawk
Dracule Mihawk the Hawk Eye is in the second place, even he is the current title holder of the strongest Swordsman in the world, but i sure after the time skip he was defeated by Zoro, so i put him in the 2.Nd position. He possessed the strongest sword on the One Piece world "Kokuto Yoru" and a little dagger that his put in his neck called "Kogatana". He is the trainer of Zoro during the time skip. The list of Mihawk attacks:
- Sekai Ichi no Zangeki (世界一の斬撃 Sekai Ichi no Zengeki, literally meaning "The Strongest Slash of the World"): It is an extremely powerful technique, possessing incredible range and power. Because a marine in the manga calls it "The World's Strongest Slash," people often mistakenly think that it is Mihawk's strongest technique. However, a more accurate translation shows that the marine simply meant that it was a slash made by the world's strongest swordsman. Using his Kokuto Yoru, Mihawk launches a massive air compressed wave (even longer than the Moby Dick) towards his opponent, capable of cutting through massive amounts of ice, and supposedly much more. "Diamond Jozu" of Whitebeard's crew was able to stop it, although it's unknown if it was because Mihawk lacks the ability to cut through diamond, because Mihawk did not expect Jozu blocking the attack or because of the use of Haki on the part of Jozu. It was "named" by one of the war participants when he described the attack, when used as a long-range opener against Whitebeard but was blocked by Jozu's diamond body
- Kokuto Arahoshi (黒刀荒星(こくとうあらほし) Kokutō Arahoshi, literally meaning "Black Blade Heavy Star"): Mihawk jumps, standing on his sword, and descends to impale his opponent. It was first seen being used against Luffy.
- Kokuto Saku (黒刀朔(こくとうさく) Kokutō Saku, literally meaning "Black Blade First Day"): Mihawk attacks with his Yoru at great speed. This technique seems to be more powerful than a normal slash of the sword as it emits some kind of cutting air (but not enough to cover great distances). This was first seen against Luffy.
- Kokuto Issen (黒刀一閃(こくとういっせん) Kokutō Issen, literally meaning "Black Blade Single Flash"): Mihawk swings his blade to launch a wave of compressed air from his sword, which is able to cut everything in his path, making a powerful long-range slice. A vertical version of this attack was first seen to cut in half Don Krieg's ship and a horizontal version was then seen in attempt to attack Luffy, but missed, slicing a massive mass of ice instead.
1. Roronoa Zoro
The Greatest Swordsman in the Worlds is Roronoa Zoro the Pirates Hunter. The man that have 3 swords Wado Ichimonji, Sandai Kitetsu, and Shusui. He used the "Santoryu" or three swords style. There are many techniques Zoro developes so i'm only gonna shows some of them, here its is:
- Oni Giri (鬼斬り Oni Giri, literally meaning "Demon Slash"): A three-way simultaneous slashing attack. Zoro crosses his two swords across his chest and places the blade in his mouth horizontally behind them. Zoro then approaches the target (usually at high speed) and cuts through by swinging the swords across his chest, resulting in a descending diagonal-crossing slash from both swords while the mouth blade performs a horizontal cut from either the left or right, depending on which side of his mouth he positioned the sword's main blade at. The pun in the name is that Onigiri is also the name of a Japanese rice snack. This was first seen used to finish Cabaji and the first technique he used against Mihawk. It should also be noted that in that fight with Mihawk, the technique’s main weakness was discovered. There is a single brief moment when the three swords are all lined up behind each other. If one can block them at that instant, the entire technique will be rendered useless. Mihawk did so by putting his necklace blade against the front most sword when Zoro tried the technique. Doing so however, requires an enormous amount of strength, more so than Zoro himself or else he’ll just push through the block and connect anyways, as shown with Zoro's battle with Hatchan. This attack is as powerful as Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Bazooka or Kaku's Bigan.
- Yaki Oni Giri (焼鬼斬り Yaki Oni Giri, literally meaning "Burning Demon Slash"): A variation of the Oni Giri where Zoro's swords are on fire. Should this attack connect, the opponent will also be set on fire. The pun in the name is that "Oni Giri" can also mean "rice ball", and adding "Yaki" to it would change its meaning to "grilled rice ball". Zoro first used this attack to save Usopp from being blown up by Mr. 5. The main flaw of the technique is that Zoro is also being burnt while using this technique. In the Viz Manga and FUNimation dub, this is called Flaming Oni Giri.
- Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri (艶美魔夜不眠鬼斬り Enbima Yonezu Oni Giri, literally meaning "Charm Demon Sleepless Night Demon Slash"): A stronger variation of "Oni Giri" where the swords are twisted during the slash for added force, resulting in this attack striking multiple opponents instead of one. The pun in the name is that since "Onigiri" can mean "rice ball"; when "Ebi Mayonēzu" is added, the name can also mean "shrimp mayonnaise rice ball" in Japanese. This was first seen being used against several marines in the Enies Lobby courthouse. During its use, he generated a steam which made his swords look like they were bending.
- Tora Gari (虎狩り Tora Gari, literally meaning "Tiger Hunt"): Zoro puts his hand swords over his mouth blade and swings forth a forward descending slash with them. At close-range, this can incapacitate at least two average foes at once. The pun in the name is that "Tora Gari" is also a type of Mohican haircut. Zoro first showed this attack to defeat the Nyaban Brothers.
- Santoryu Ogi: Sanzen Sekai (三刀流奥義 三・千・世・界 Santōryū Ōgi: Sanzen Sekai, literally meaning "Three-Sword Style Secret Technique: Three Thousand Worlds"): Zoro holds two of his swords at an angle against each other and rotates them rapidly while running towards his opponent to create momentum; he then slices up the foe with full speed and power. This attack was first used to try to defeat Dracule Mihawk. According to the name of this attack, this is the ultimate and strongest technique of the Santoryu. It was first used successfully against Oars after 429 chapters since its first appearance, where Zoro dealt three enormous slashes over Oars' body with the technique. It is seen again much earlier in the anime, when a hypnotized Roronoa Zoro used it against Monkey D. Luffy in the Ocean Dream filler arc. In One Piece Grand Adventure, the move is initiated by Zoro placing his swords in an inverse triangular formation before spinning his two swords together and is featured as Zoro's cinematic attack.
- Toro Nagashi (刀狼流し Tōrō Nagashi, literally meaning "Sword Wolf Floating"): At a close range, Zoro leans toward the opponent, using two of his swords to block the opponent's attacks while twisting his body around as he is continuously moving to approach and dodge other attacks (if there are any) and eventually cutting through the opponent's stomach with the third sword. It was used in Zoro's battle against Hatchan. Zoro performed an aerial version of this move against Bartholomew Kuma when he used it to effectively evade the latter's rapid Pressure Cannon attack, and would have succeeded to land a point-blank hit had Kuma not blocked his swords with his "paws".
- Tatsu Maki (龍巻き Tatsu Maki, literally meaning "Dragon Twister"): Zoro spins with his swords to create a dragon-like tornado that both slashes and blows away the target(s). By the time of the Enies Lobby Arc, Zoro achieved enough power to bust apart a tall establishment all the way through the topmost ceiling with this move and able to break Tekkai. This is one of Zoro's most powerful attacks. "Tatsumaki" means "tornado" in Japanese, and is also a type of sushi.
- Ushi Bari (牛針 Ushi Bari, literally meaning "Bull Horns"): Zoro executes a multi-hit running attack with two swords held out like a bull's horns. This was first seen being used against Mr. 1. The pun here is that an "ushibari" is a wooden beam used in Japanese homes.
- Gazami Dori (蟹(ガザミ)獲り Gazami Dori, literally meaning "Crab Seize"): All three swords are horizontally parallel, suddenly clamping down on the target like a crab's claw for a guillotine like effect that would normally cut a person's head off.
- Hyakuhachi Pound Ho (百八煩悩(ポンド)鳳 Hyakuhachi Pondo Hō, kanji meaning "Phoenix of the 108 Earthly Desires"; furigana meaning "108 Pound Phoenix/Cannon"): Same principle as the thirty six version of the same attack. Holding his two swords horizontally above the shoulder and the other in his mouth in the same direction, and then performs a circular swing that launches three air compressed projectiles spiraling towards the target instead of one or two, tripling the power of the technique, but with Shuusui, the air compressed projectiles instead fuse and become a larger and more powerful, compressed air projectile.] This attack seems to be as powerful as Luffy's Gomu Gomu no Cannon. This was first seen being used to finish off Ohm. The attack's name is actually a very heavy pun, it's written out as "Phoenix of the 108 Earthly Desires" in the Manga with a skewed reading attached that makes it "108 Pound Ho" when read out. Ho means both Cannon and Phoenix, however the attached Kanji is for Phoenix, making that the literal translation and the "Cannon" reading a Pun on that, both of which are correct. The "Pound" part is a skewed reading of the Kanji "Bonnou" for Earthly Desires, and it is referring to the Caliber of a Cannon (a 108 Caliber Cannon would fire a 108 Pound Ball).
- Karasuma Gari (鴉魔狩り Karasuma Gari, literally meaning "Demon Crow Hunt"): Zoro performs a flying multiple slash technique. This was first seen being used against the Franky Family.
- Gyuki: Yuzume (牛鬼 勇爪 Gyūki: Yuzume, literally meaning "Cattle Demon: Brave Hoof"): The swords are positioned pointing at the enemy. Zoro lunges forward and hits the enemy with great impact. This was first seen being used to shatter T-Bone's sword. This attack can also be done on air.
- Ichi Gorilla (一剛力羅(ゴリラ) Ichi Gorilla, literally meaning "One Gorilla"): Zoro flexes his left or right bicep, in preparation for Nigori-zake. "剛力" (gori) means "herculean or great strength". The pun is of course, "one great strength" and gorilla. This was first seen being used against Kaku.
- Ni Gorilla (二剛力羅(ゴリラ) Ni Gorilla, literally meaning "Two Gorillas"): Zoro flexes his right or left bicep, in preparation for Nigori-zake, as a follow-up for the above technique. As above, the pun is "two great strength" and gorilla.
- Nigori-Zake (二剛力斬(ニゴリザケ) Nigori-Zake, literally meaning "Two-Arm Strength Slash"): After using both Ichi and Ni Gorilla, Zoro swings his swords so that the tips meet when they hit the opponent, with the swords in his mouth and left hand being held at the same level and the right's hilt dropping at an angle. The pun here is that nigori zake also means 'unrefined sake (Japanese Rice Wine)'. The literal translation of this move means 'two great-strength decapitation'. This was first seen being used against Kaku. This attack is powerful enough to disperse Kaku's Bigan. When he use these attacks, his biceps seem to get almost 2 or 3 times bigger, being it similar to Urouge's ability of increase his muscle mass. His arms also bulk up like Chopper's while using Arm Point.
- Hyo Kin Dama (豹琴玉 Hyō Kin Dama, literally meaning "Leopard Koto Ball"): Zoro jumps forward while spinning in the air, forming a ball shape with his blades. This is basically a feinting maneuver, so even if the target manages to read the pattern of this attack and move out of Zoro's trajectory, they will still be cut as Zoro careens past them. This was first seen being used against Kaku.
- Daibutsu Giri (大仏斬り Daibutsu Giri, literally meaning "Great Buddha Cut"): A series of horizontal sword slashes that are powerful enough to cut apart a small building. This is the first new Santoryu technique Zoro has used since losing Yubashiri. This move can also be performed vertically. This was first seen being used to provide Sanji with "ammunition" for his "Jenga Ho" technique. This can be misread as dai ("big") and butsu-giri ("roughly chopped"). In the Viz Manga this is called Great Buddha Chop.
- Yasha Garasu (夜叉鴉 Yasha Garasu, literally meaning "Yaksa Crow"): Zoro spins like a rolling wheel at an enemy with his swords, eventually coming to a head with a tornado-like move while continually thrusting the swords at the opponent. This attack leaves cuts shaped like crows' feet.
- Santoryu Ogi: Rokudo no Tsuji (三刀流奥義 六道の辻 Santōryū Ōgi: Rokudō no Tsuji, literally meaning "Three Swords Style Secret Technique: Crossing of Six Paths"): An enhanced version of Santoryu Ogi: Sanzen Sekai, learned after two years of training with Mihawk. Zoro manages to bend his body, and swing the swords in the form of an inverted "S" shape while performing a vertical spin, slashing the opponent six times simultaneously. This technique's named after the Six Paths of Buddhism, that is said to the be the six states where a person is controlled by their desires and conquering them is able to transcend their animal nature. It was first used against the Kraken, to cut one of its tentacles and divide it into six pieces.